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#Gratitude, Be the Light

Many of you have probably seen #thankful posts on FB and Instagram throughout the month of November. I decided to participate this year. I have so much to be grateful for and hope people will get to know me better through those posts.

Have you ever focused on being grateful for an entire month? It's been years since I last made such a concerted effort, really thinking about the numberless blessings I've been given. I'm excited this is my focus this month and I am actually hoping you will do it with me. There is so much negativity in the world, on the news and social media. How about we do our part to decrease the negative and increase the positive? My hope is that by doing this challenge we will more naturally look for the good in others and ourselves and will be less likely to jump on the negative bandwagon.

So what am I grateful for?

Celiac Disease and food allergies.

I am sure you are thinking, "WHAT???!!!".

Really though I am. Does that mean I am jumping for joy because I have to eat gluten free? No. Am I hoping my future children will end up with it? No. Am I happy I can't eat whatever I want, whenever I want? No.

I am grateful that I know what is going on with my body. I am grateful it is a relatively easy fix for my body to be healthy. I am grateful that I have the skills and knowledge to live gluten free successfully and that I can help others because of my experiences. I am grateful I have a sister who loves to bake and experiment, who doesn't have to eat gluten free but has created AMAZING gluten free recipes! (Her secret? She is super smart, unafraid to make mistakes and can eat gluten containing foods so she keeps modifying gluten free recipes until they are just as good or better than the gluten version). I am grateful that same sister taught me how to cook and bake gluten free and that she willingly shares her recipes with whoever needs them. I am grateful my mom's diagnosis started us all on this path and multiple siblings, nieces, and nephews were diagnosed quickly, decreasing the possible negative effects from misdiagnosis, because of it. I am grateful for family support. I am grateful I can bake amazing gluten free treats and teach others how to do it to.

I can go on and on. . .can you? How often have you found that something hard and unwanted in your life has become a blessing later on and not just for you? I hope you will share your experiences here or on your social media accounts. Be the Light!

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